Access to the institut Fourier

Institut Fourier

100 rue des maths

38610 Gières



The courses and the workshop will take place at the Chabauty Lecture room, located on the ground floor of the Institut Fourier, entrance A.

Welcome of the participants every Monday morning at the reception desk, located in room 6, on the ground floor of the Institut Fourier.


By Plane

  • Grenoble-Saint-Geoirs Airport, tel. 33 (0)4 76-65-48-48 (40 minutes from Grenoble)
  • From Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport (LYS) and from Geneva Airport (GVA), the most efficient connection to Grenoble is the shuttle.

    Shuttle reservation on or on


By Train

SNCF Grenoble (1 place de la Gare)

  • Passenger information, tél. 08-36-35-35-35.
  • From Lyon and beyond: one to two TER Lyon - Grenoble trains per hour (duration 1h25 approximately), and several TGV Paris - Grenoble trains per day (duration 3h approximately).
  • From the South of France, TGV to Valence TGV, then TER connection (direction Grenoble, Annecy or Geneva) to Grenoble.
  • From Grenoble station, take the B tram towards Gières and get off at Bibliothèques Universitaires (12 stops, 22 minutes). The tram ticket must be validated on the platform before boarding.
  • From Switzerland and Savoy, it is shorter to get off the train at Grenoble Universités Gières and take the B tram towards Grenoble (3 stops, 5 minutes).

By Car

  • Motorway A41 - Chambéry (46 km), Annecy (100 km), Genève (144 km)
  • Motorway A 48 - Lyon (105 km), Paris (566 km)
  • Motorway A 49 - Valence (99 km)

Getting to the campus :

  • From Grenoble : entrance 1 via avenue Gabriel Péri.
  • From Saint-Martin d’Hères : entrance 2 via avenue Gabriel Péri et Champ Roman.
  • From rocade Sud : entrance 3, exit Domaine universitaire.


Buses and Trams

The tram stop closest to the Institut Fourier is « Bibliothèques Universitaires »

  • Tram B connects Grenoble train station to the campus in 20 minutes.
  • Tram C connects Seyssins Le Prisme to Saint Martin d’hères Condillac Universités (buses and tramways networks and schedules).

And also:

  • From Seyssinet and Seyssins, Grenoble (Grand Boulevards), Saint Martin d'Hères: tram C to Bibliothèques Universitaires.
  • From Grenoble Sud, Echirolles, Eybens, Poisat, Saint Martin d'Hères: bus C5 or C7 to University Libraries.
  • From Vizille, Vaulnaveys, Uriage: bus 23 to University Libraries...
  • From Bernin, Saint Nazaire les Eymes, Saint Ismier, Biviers, Montbonnot, Meylan Est: Transisère bus 6070 to Condillac Universités, which is located at one tram station from University Libraries.
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